Museveni donates new house, car to bush-war heroine Anna Maria Nakampi

President Yoweri Museveni, along with First Lady Janet Museveni, presented Ms. Anna Maria Mukaluyinda Nakampi with a fully furnished house and a new car in Mwera Village, Mityana District. The gesture was made in recognition of Ms. Nakampi's civilian contributions during Uganda’s five-year liberation war.

Nakampi's house and car

During the war, Ms. Nakampi played a key role by providing housing, food, and reconnaissance assistance to the National Resistance Army (NRA).


At the event yesterday, President Museveni acknowledged her efforts and emphasized the critical support she provided, highlighting how she, along with others such as Fr. Sseguya, allowed the use of their homes and hid individuals who were fleeing for their safety, including Museveni’s own mother, Esteri Kokundeka.

"When we went to Kijaguzo last month, Nakampi invited me to her ancestral home," Museveni said during the presentation.


"I also decided to thank her by building her a home in her house. This is why I am here in Mityana. Nakampi helped us a lot in the war. She was not among the armed rebels but had that Kijaguzo place where she and others gave us refuge."

Earlier on 15th September, President Museveni celebrated his 80th birthday in Kijaguzo, where he paid tribute to Ms. Nakampi for her role during the war. On that occasion, he contributed UGX 50 million to Kijaguzo Catholic Church and donated a new bus to St. Dennis Kijaguzo in fulfilment of a previous promise to the school.

The church held significant importance as it served as a place of refuge for key figures of the NRA, including Museveni, Hajji Moses Kigongo, and Gen. Tumwine.

Mwera Village in Mityana, where the house and car were presented, is Ms. Nakampi's ancestral home, while Kijaguzo is where she was married during the 1980s.


President Museveni also took the opportunity to encourage the local community to engage in government programs targeting poverty eradication. He stressed that supporting these initiatives is vital for community development and individual prosperity.


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