NIRA launches new National ID registration guidelines to boost accuracy

The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) has introduced detailed guidelines for the forthcoming widespread enrollment and renewal processes.

NIRA Executive Director Rosemary Kisembo

The announcement was made during a press briefing by NIRA's Executive Director, Rosemary Kisembo, who stressed the critical role of the enrollment form in the citizenship registration process, as mandated by the Registration of Persons Act 2015.


Kisembo elaborated on the structure of the enrollment form, which is divided into three main sections designed to gather essential information for citizenship determination. "The form is meticulously designed to capture vital details across three sections, each serving a unique purpose in establishing an individual's identity and eligibility for citizenship," Kisembo stated.

The first section, referred to as "Part A," focuses on personal information, including an individual's name, occupation, educational background, and any disabilities.

Kisembo underscored the inclusivity of the process, noting, "Individuals have the flexibility to choose the names they wish to appear on their national ID, accommodating those known by alternative names under various circumstances."


"Part B" is aimed at collecting precise residency information to ensure consistency with official records and prevent any discrepancies during National ID registration.

"Accuracy in residency details is paramount, and we urge citizens to respect established district boundaries to avoid complications," Kisembo emphasized.

The third section, "Part C," pertains to lineage, capturing data on one's place of birth and origins. This part plays a crucial role in verifying citizenship through birth or descent, which Kisembo clarified, "is determined not merely by being born within Uganda's borders but through ancestral lineage."

Kisembo reiterated NIRA's commitment to inclusivity and equal rights for all citizens, regardless of their type of citizenship. She highlighted the importance of providing accurate information, particularly concerning birth events and parental details, to ensure the integrity of the registration process. "Our verification process is thorough, and we rely on established records to confirm the information provided," she said.

Moreover, Kisembo addressed the need for accurate information regarding voting details and cautioned against the falsification of information. "Deception is futile against NIRA's rigorous verification processes. We encourage honesty and accuracy to maintain the integrity of our national data systems," she concluded.


This initiative marks a significant step towards streamlining citizenship registration in Uganda, aiming to enhance data accuracy and integrity while promoting inclusivity and equal rights for all citizens.


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