Museveni accepts invite by NUP’s Nsamba to lecture Mak students on ideology

President Yoweri Museveni has promised to return to Makerere University to deliver a lecture on ideology, to the students.

President Museveni accepted an invited from NUP's Lubega Nsamba

Museveni, on Wednesday, accepted an invitation extended by the university Guild President, Mr Lubega Nsamba.


“About coming to talk to students, I would be very happy because I like talking,” said the President.

“If you invite me you do so at your own risk. I am more than happy to come.”

Mr Nsamba, a student of Social Sciences and member of the opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) asked President Museveni to return to Makerere to deliver a lecture on ideological orientation.


Nsamba was speaking at the official opening of the reconstructed Makerere University Main Building and the inauguration of the university’s new Chancellor, Dr Chrispus Kiyonga. The event held at the university’s Freedom Square was presided over by the president and his wife Janet Museveni.

“We think that one of the biggest challenges that the developing countries face today, including Uganda is the lack of an ideology,” remarked Nsamba.

We do believe that you are one of the ideological proponents and individuals that we have in this continent that you use a day of your busy schedule and come back here at Makerere University and ideologically orient this young population.”


He added, “We believe that in the evening of your leadership that would be a great contribution to our country.”

Nsamba won the student guide election in March 2024, campaigning on the NUP platform.

His decision to extend an invitation to the president was received with mixed reactions online

Nsamba however seemed to brush off the critiques by repositioning a post on X which suggested that inviting a government official to discuss with students is not in any way implying changing one’s political views.


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