Anger as police release priest caught red-handed with student in lodge

Police officers at Kasana Police Post in Kabwohe, Sheema District are facing investigation for releasing a church leader whom they caught red-handed with a female minor in a lodge.

Nicholas Muhumuza, a preacher at Kitojo Church of Uganda was caught in a lodge with a student

Sheema Deputy Resident District Commissioner says the police officers face arrest and arraignment in court for setting free a potential capital offender.


The Police officers caught Nicholas Muhumuza, a preacher at Kitojo Church of Uganda in Bikungu Archdeaconry in West Ankole, pants down with a student.

These were found in Homeland Bar and Restaurant.

The victim, whose names are withheld, said Muhumuza forced himself on her. She said he picked her up outside her school gate as she was heading home and drove her on a motorcycle promising to buy her drinks before they branched off to the lodge.


Christians in the area had long complained about the preacher, and upon seeing him with the girl, they followed them to the lodge and alerted the police.

However, Muhumuza was released on police bond shortly after his arrest, which angered the residents.

DRDC Muhindo while speaking to reporters, said she had forwarded the matter to the District Police Commander to find out the circumstances under which Muhumuza was released.

“Defilement is a capital offence,” Muhumuza said.


If we find that negotiations took place at the police between the girl’s parents and the officers, that is a criminal act. The parents and the officers will all be arrested.”

Nonetheless, Christians led by Lay-reader Godfrey Twikirize vowed not to allow Muhumuza back into their church.


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