Video: Minister Phiona Nyamutoro survives being shot

Minister of State for Minerals, Phiona Nyamutoro, survived a shooting incident involving a private security guard in Kisoro District.

Phiona Nyamutoro

The security personnel, who was guarding the National Cement Company, a subsidiary of the Devki Group, already had a bullet in the chamber, according to police officers who were with the minister at the scene.


Authorities stated that illegal mining activities were being conducted on the land, and the minister had gone there for an inspection.

In a video shared on X on Thursday, June 20, Phiona Nyamutoro is heard questioning why the guards wanted to shoot them.


The guards allegedly received orders to fend off anyone approaching the premises. Nyamutoro has requested the police to arrest the directors of the company.

The guards were disarmed and detained. She has also requested a heavy deployment of security in the area.

Minister Phiona Nyamutoro has been travelling across the country conducting consultative meetings with local government leaders and stakeholders regarding the regulations on artisanal mining.

On Wednesday, June 19, she was in Kabale District.

Key regulations for artisanal mining under the Mining and Minerals Act, 2022, include:

  1. Licensing: Artisanal and small-scale miners must obtain licenses to operate legally.
  2. Designated Mining Areas: Specific areas are allocated for artisanal mining, selected in consultation with local authorities.
  3. Environmental Protection: Miners must follow strict environmental regulations, including the elimination of mercury use.
  4. Health and Safety: Regulations require miners to adhere to health and safety standards, providing necessary training and equipment.
  5. Community Engagement: Miners must work with local communities to ensure fair distribution of benefits and minimise negative impacts.
  6. Economic Benefits: Regulations promote local hiring and revenue sharing to support community development.
  7. Monitoring and Compliance: Regular inspections and penalties for non-compliance ensure adherence to the rules.
  8. Training and Support: Miners receive training and support to improve practices and meet regulatory requirements.
  9. Transparency: Miners must keep accurate records and submit regular reports to maintain transparency.
  10. Mineral Certification: The Regional Certification Mechanism ensures minerals meet international ethical standards.

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