Gloria Bugie defends sex work in interview as nude videos leak

A resurfaced interview with singer Gloria Bugie, whose hit song Nyash has won her many fans, has stirred controversy after the Ugandan-born star openly discussed her views on sex work. In the interview with YouTuber Allan Cruz, Bugie, whose real name is Gloria Busingye, did not shy away from revealing her mindset.

Gloria Bugie

"Even the rest of you who want me to sell, I'll sell," she boldly stated. "I told you, I'm looking for a man."


Bugie further admitted she wouldn’t mind dating a married man. "[I'm looking for] a handsome man," she declared, adding, "If he's married, we'll share."

During the interview, she also set the record straight about motherhood rumours. "Does this boob look like it has ever breastfed?... I don't have a kid. Leave me alone. People are just 'cutting word'... I'm still young," she quipped.


The controversy surrounding the star escalated on Monday when explicit videos of her were leaked online. The short clips, lasting 10 to 11 seconds, show Bugie fully nude, dancing, and touching herself in what appears to be a lodge setting. Details like distinctive red Umoja-style sandals have led many to speculate about the recording location, and it is believed Bugie was aware of the filming.

The videos have since spread across social media, sparking mixed reactions from her fans and followers.

Bugie, who was born in Rwanda and raised in Uganda, discovered her love for music at a young age. She reminisced about her early years, recalling her participation in school choirs and competitions. The singer credits her parents for their unwavering support, both emotionally and financially.


Her big break came when she moved to Uganda for secondary school, catching the eye of Route Entertainment producer Eli Arkhis, who helped her launch her music career.



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