Martha Kay celebrates new body size 'My waistline is reappearing'

The media personality has expressed joy with progress toward her ideal body weight saying that the medication she was previously had endangered it. Kay posted a picture of before and after showing the progress with a promise of a little more work for her end goal.

Martha Kay celebrates new body size 'My waistline is reappearing'/Instagram

The photographer shared a vulnerable moment in her life in May just before her birthday, when starting her weight management journey saying her body had gone under strain leaving her feeling uncomfortable in her skin.


"I have been unwell for the past 4-6 months. It’s not just that I’ve been unwell and missing a lot of moments with my friends but the medication I’m on has made me gain sooo much weight that I am so insecure about my body. I’ve always been chubby but this time it’s something else. I don’t even want to take pics unless my mum Forces it. I know I should love my body regardless but sometimes it’s really hard. Especially when it’s hormonal. So, no photoshoot this year… mostly because I don’t want to remember this part of my life!."


She then promised to get back to her old self in her new age saying, "it’s a new beginning! I am eating healthier, working out, making time for myself and that which I love, I am ensuring the people that I interact with are good people. My people. I am reinventing myself, refocusing, repurposing, recreating, restoring that which I lost. I am excited."

Two months later, she is seeing positive signs and shared on her Instagram to celebrate and give updates.


"Remember when I told you guys I was missing my waist line?? It had totally disappeared with all the medication I was on btw! But now, with a lot of work, it’s reappearing!!! A few more kgs to go but I’m so happy with the progress thus far! #yourDreamsAreValid ❤️," she wrote under the picture.

A few days ago she was also contemplating having a change in the hair department. She got some uplifting comments encouraging her to go for it which she appreciated. Whether this means she might go for the big chop, only time will tell.


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