Over the weekend, musician Vinka and DJ Alisha wore the same outfits comprising a denim crop corset and laser-print wide-leg. This print is from the Ahluwalia brand, a planet-conscious product, made with "at least 50 per cent eco-materials, which are independently certified as or widely recognised for having a lower environmental impact."
The laser motif jeans are made from cotton in a denim weave using responsibly sourced materials and technical manufacturing.
However, a pair of these jeans go for $470 (Shs1.7 million) and $214 (Shs800k) at a discount in some cases.
A close look at Vinka's and Alisha's laser motif pants reveals that their motif is more highlighted than the ones on the website and this unwittingly highlights the struggle of sustainable fashion against fast fashion.
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According to Kenneth P. Pucker, a former COO of Timberland, the myth of sustainable fashion is that despite being fronted for the past 25 years, this innovation has failed to make its mark on the global climate crisis.
Despite carbon-positive, organic, or vegan, mushrooms and sugar cane fashion products and recycling, resale, rental, reuse, and repair business models, fashion sustainability has been let down. Some of the factors to blame are pressure for unrelenting growth summed with consumer demand for cheap, fast fashion.
Final thoughts
As sustainable fashion struggles against fast fashion, its many struggles with technology, funding and sourcing recycled material have put it at a disadvantage to make any lasting impact on the values it stands on.