8 surprising and cool home uses of chocolate

Chocolate has been known as the go-to comfort food for both men and women of all ages.

8 surprising and cool home uses of chocolate/Pexels

Chocolates are quite divine whether they are served in a box, baked as a cake, eaten as a simple chocolate bar or drunk from a bottle. Today as we celebrate International Chocolate Day, we look at some home uses of this ingredient that may be surprising and downright cool.

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. But in real life, calling chocolates a girl’s best friend sounds closer to the truth. And not because it is more readily available. Recipes with chocolate as an ingredient get the most attention making chocolate the ultimate flavour.

But beyond its flavour, chocolates have been used through the years for various ideas you might be interested in knowing, or perhaps even trying. Read on.


Imagine going on a weekend getaway or vacation in a place where chocolate rules. Chocolate-themed recreation activities are one way to mix chocolate and fun. Choco-themed rooms, chocolate treats every day, all the choco-chip pancakes for breakfast, wine and chocolate tasting in the afternoon, not to mention the must-try chocolate slide.

Chocolate is rich in anti-oxidants which means it's very good for the skin. Another benefit of slathering yourselves with chocolate spread is that chocolate body paint can give you a mood boost for love as it is one of the most popular aphrodisiacs.


Apparently, chocolate was used generously in horror movies like Psycho and Night of the Living Dead as the main ingredient for fake blood. The filmmakers apparently used generous amounts of Bosco Chocolate syrup to make the gory scenes believable.

Yes, you read that right. Although there are not many dentists who actually tell patients to eat more sweets, apparently a substance from dark chocolate actually works better than fluoride when it comes to protecting your teeth. However, this doesn't mean you should over-indulge your sweet tooth because there are only a select few brands you should consider.


If you love bacon or want to spice it up, chocolate makes a perfect ingredient for bacon. This recipe is said to have originated in Sta. Cruz, California by accident no less.


The wonderful polyphenols found in dark chocolates are said to help in lowering blood pressure. So controlled consumption of chocolates can truly do your heart some good. Adding a glass of wine to the mix certainly doesn't hurt.

If you feel the urge to get a chocolate bar when you’re feeling stuck or stressed out don't stop yourself. Flavanol, which cocoa is well-known for, is said to help boost blood circulation in the brain which means instant mind exercise.


If you are planning on a kiss to stamp out all other kisses, then a chocolate lip balm is just the thing you need. Follow this recipe for your choco-lip balm.


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