Andrew Mwenda launched inside a bomb suit in Thailand

Journalist Andrew Mwenda was spotted in Thailand getting ready to engage in a bomb simulation activity with the local police.

Andrew Mwenda launched inside a bomb suit in Thailand/Instagram

His last action before the video pans out is a salute as he gets in position. At the start of the video, Mwenda jests saying he is "preparing for a trip into space" as the police personnel strap him up in the Med-Eng bomb squad suit.

After being wrapped up in the suit, complete with a helmet, Mwenda seems to be worried about not having gloves on to protect himself from bomb shrapnel.


According to Med-Eng, the manufacturers of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) TAC 6E suit Mwenda is wearing in the video, the suit is used in EOD / SWAT integration, search, K9 / dog handlers, and suicide bomber situations.

The suit protects against blast overpressure, impact (acceleration and deceleration), heat/flame and fragmentation in “non-permissive” environments where it is not possible or practical to wear a full-scale, heavy-bomb suit.

Prior to the bomb scene, Mwenda was seen dressed to kill in an all-black Prada ensemble comprising soft padded nappa leather loafers.


The danger involved in this bizarre recreational activity the journalist partook in is reduced by the Med-Eng robots which are launched to approach vehicles suspected of having bombs. They include the Avengers, Digital Vanguard, and ROV Integrated Sensor Suite which were spotted on site.



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