Meet Jose Chameleone's travel companion teddy bear 'Kiweewa', his ideal qualities

Musician Jose Chameleone has given us a glimpse into his travel lifestyle to meet his long-time travel companion with the caption, "Unconditional Companion ✈️ ✈️." The brown teddy bear is strapped to his travel bag in the picture from his latest flight into the country. Meanwhile, fans and followers have come up with names for him including "Kiweewa".

Meet Jose Chameleone's travel companion teddy bear 'Kiweewa', his ideal qualities/Instagram

Travelling alone, especially for people who travel a lot, can be challenging. But not as challenging as travelling with the wrong travel companion. There are various options like a favourite book, headphones, and music, among others but there's something personified about a doll or teddy bear or toy that comes close to a human travel companion.


Mr Bean's teddy bear travel companion comes to mind. Not to mention that even at home, alongside pets, teddy bears and dolls can be companions we talk to even though they are inanimate and do not know what we are about.

Here's what makes Chameleone's teddy bear an ideal travel companion


There are four qualities of an ideal travel companion according to compatibility and travel experts. If you are going to travel with someone, it is best to get compatibility right because even your best friend or partner can be the worst travel companion.

The same aspects of travel that make it worthwhile and memorable such as unexpected adventures and misadventures, exposure to different cultures and people, and extended time with friends and loved ones can be stumbling blocks for your relationships and friendships from the friction and tension they trigger.

So while it can be hit or miss with a human travel companion, your favourite doll or toy, like Chameleone's teddy bear, can hit all four qualities.


"It might be convenient to travel with your best friend. But the reality is that some people [are just incompatible," says Alexandra Cromer, a counsellor and therapist. So what makes a teddy bear a better travel companion than your best friend?


You don't have to worry about your travel companion when you meet setbacks and unexpected events. In fact, your teddy bear can be a listening ear when you are dealing with any frustrations on your journey. It also means you don't have to adjust your travel goals and needs to suit your furry travel partner.

“If you are travelling with someone who is flexible, that supersedes whether or not they're a planner or whether or not they like to sleep in because that means they’re going to be respectful of your needs and your goals on this trip,” says Oneika Raymond, a TV host and travel content creator.

Your ideal travel companion doesn’t have to have the exact same financial situation or budget as you do, but they will have a clear understanding of their individual financial expectations for the trip.


This is something you don't have to worry or think about with your furry friend.

Your furry friend's only job is to give you unconditional company and comfort except for a shower and security here and there.


Travelling with someone doesn't mean you have to do everything together all the time. And our furry friend understands this. And the fact that he/she won't demand anything makes you more willing to do everything with them.

He is the perfect example of 'I want to be alone with someone'.


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