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6 silent glow-ups we need to make viral in real life

This glow-up is all about you. Simply slowing down, taking care of yourself, me-time to do the things you have to do in order to take care of yourself. Showing yourself the care and effort you show the people in your life.
6 silent glow-ups we need to make viral in real life/Pexels
6 silent glow-ups we need to make viral in real life/Pexels

Do it with someone, do it for someone, or do it alone. Just do it.

1. Improving your sleeping schedule

Lack of enough sleep can really damage your energy levels, your mood, and your overall appearance. A tired-looking face and feelings of grogginess are symptoms of sleep deprivation.

A good trick is to lie down on your back and relax every muscle in your body from your feet to your head. This a good time to read books before bed. Also, you can close your curtains so you won’t be awakened by the sun in the morning.

2. Limiting junk food and focusing on fruits and veggies

More people need to share their fruit and veggie meals and that starts with you. Out of sheer habit and routine, it can be challenging to adopt fruit and veggies in our meals. Nonetheless, it has to be done and making it a viral habit in our daily lives can influence others to join in.

READ: Intuitive eating for better relationship with food

3. Getting more organised

Clutter, whether it is your living space, your phone, or your mind, can cost you a lot of time, and attention and bring you anxiety. Practising organisation like we gym or do our skincare routine in front of the camera can make all the difference. Organisation means cutting down on unnecessary tasks, and time wastage, and getting more out of your energy, time and personal space, because you know what you have to do.

4. Being your priority 

It is the gospel of self-improvement, self-care, and personal growth but it is easier said than done. It seems that if everyone becomes a priority then there will be no room for others in each other's lives. This leads to compromise, neglect and simply giving up on prioritising needs and wants.

This glow-up is all about you. Simply slowing down, taking care of yourself, me-time to do the things you have to do in order to take care of yourself. Showing yourself the care and effort you show the people in your life.

5. Intentionally surrounding yourself with good positive people

The time you spend with your friends can really define who you are and who you’re gonna be. If you happen to hang around toxic people, consider getting rid of them or at least spend less time with them.

You need to associate with people who inspire you, challenge you to rise higher, and make you better instead of bringing you down. The people we surround ourselves with are the biggest influence on our behaviour, attitudes, and results.

6. Talking about negative thoughts

Negative self-talk is debilitating. It is also not personal and we tend to share some of these damaging thoughts and beliefs. A great way to combat these thoughts is by keeping a journal. However, talking about them can also be cathartic, especially with people you trust and are comfortable sharing with.

Journaling your thoughts and your feelings and keeping a log every day gives you valuable information to move forward and understand that most of these negative thoughts are simply untrue.

But since the person who criticizes you the most is yourself, sharing that negative side to can also be helpful and less overwhelming.

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