Sheebah hails fan's heartfelt message as national inspiration

A fan surprised singer Sheebah Karungi with a sentimental message in admiration of her resilience and journey. Sheebah handpicked the comment and posted it on her Instagram.

Sheebah waves fan's heartfelt message as national inspiration/Instagram

Sheebah posted the message as a picture on her Instagram yesterday with the caption, "Wow! This should be a prominent quote from Uganda to Inspire our Nation; “ If Sheebah can still stand, Why am I breaking?"


The post was in response to the message from @geresomfelix.

"@sheebahricherthisyear I don't know if you will see this or not, but if you get to see it, well and good, for I have watched almost all your interviews and everything, but girlie the spirit you have is different, I just need to get a piece of you for my own life, standing on your two feet amidst all the drama and challenges and the negative criticism, girlie girlie that's bomb,


because if I try to contextualize it, I crash immediately, I would go to default settings but your default settings are top notch that you go on, a person that has been bruised but not damaged, I just need that piece to know the limits, your emotional intelligence is way too good that your soul never shuts,

maximum respect always, we need more of you so that we always reflect and look back and say if Sheebah can still stand, why am I breaking, there is no finishing line in life, blessings eeeeeh my words are even running short cause simanyi I swear that resilience is amazing."

More fan heartfelt messages poured out under the post all in praise of the singer's strength in the public eye.

Karungi is currently in a cold war with fellow artist Cindy Sanyu over the Kololo Airstrip concert/festival. Neither artist shows any signs of backing down which has increasingly drawn the lines among fans.

Fans have taken this event to show their support for their favourite of the two.


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