Biography: Meet Col. Chris Magezi, CDF's military assistant for PR

The Chief of Defence Forces, General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has appointed Colonel Chris Magezi as the new Military Assistant responsible for Public Relations.

Colonel Chris Magezi

Col. Magezi, known for his extensive experience in public relations and military communication, previously held the position of Director of Public Information at the Land Forces Headquarters.


His career also includes roles as Spokesperson for the Special Forces Command and as Public Information Officer for the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) during missions in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

His academic background is impressive, with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communication and a Master’s in Business Administration from Makerere University. He also completed an Advanced Command and Staff Course in the UK and holds a Master of Arts in Defence Studies from King’s College London.


Reflecting on his new role, Col. Chris Magezi expressed gratitude: "True, I have been elevated to Col and appointed Military Assistant to CDF in charge of Public Relations. Thank you for your prayers!"

His military education began at Singo in 1999, followed by various specialized courses, including the Officer Cadet Course in Jinja and Peace and Support Operations training in Kenya.

Colleagues and leaders have extended their congratulations to Chris Magezi on his promotion, recognizing his dedication and the wealth of experience he brings to his new position. Notable figures such as Agriculture Minister Frank Tumwebaze and Vision Group CEO Don Wanyama praised Magezi for his competence and well-deserved advancement in the military.


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